Jacob Schneider is a 2016 business administration graduate and he is a universal banker/loan officer at Reeseville State Bank.
WHAT YOU DO • • • As a loan officer, I meet with customers on a daily basis to assist them with their financial needs. I break down their income vs. expenses to determine if they can service additional debt. If they can, we work together to build a loan package that suits their needs. After the customer leaves, I study and evaluate further information such as credit reports, balance sheets, and other financial spreadsheets to determine eligibility before crafting the loan itself and disbursing money.
Besides being a loan officer, I am also our bank’s Security Officer in charge of maintaining the bank’s safety through monitoring equipment, encryption devices, proper training of staff, and updating our bank’s security policy annually. Cyber-security seems to be the largest security challenge of this era of modern technology, and I am one of the people who get to locate potential problems and fix them before an incident could occur.
WHAT INSPIRES YOU • • • I am drawn to my field because of my desire to provide financial assistance to people who otherwise couldn’t afford their dream home or a proper vehicle to get to and from work. I work at a community bank that is centered on customer service. I have met customers at 6 a.m. or 7 p.m. because that was the only time they had free. Whoever came up with the phrase “Banker Hours” really needs a reality check! I work with my co-workers to build loan packages that mega-banks wouldn’t or couldn’t create. I take pride in helping my customers reach their goals; all without going over budget. Each customer is different; each with his or her own story. I get to experience the joy in a young couple who just bought their first house. I get to smile with the teenager who just financed their first vehicle. I get to laugh with the elderly couple that just bought an RV to travel and visit their family in Arizona. It’s a privilege to know all of my customers.

HOW YOU WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE • • • Everyone wants to make a difference in the world. For me, I’d like to make my community feel like my college: a place where you are more than just a number. Among the many things that Bethany taught me, one of the most important lessons was to be kind and show Christian love to all who may cross your path. I am blessed in my position to be able to do that on a daily basis. I know my customers by name, and if you are new to the bank, it doesn’t take me long to learn it. People appreciate honesty in this world, and they will continue seeking you out if you are transparent and honest with them.
HOW BETHANY HAS PREPARED YOU • • • Bethany has prepared me for my career in many ways, but I want to focus on one: leadership. Throughout my time at Bethany, I was given many opportunities to lead projects, extra-curricular activities, and discussions. Even when you aren’t specifically training to be a “leader,” Bethany prepares you as if you already are. The reason I say that is because every single graduate of Bethany Lutheran College is a leader. We are leaders by example. We received the ability at Bethany to lead a life of faith in college when millions of other students have their religious voices silenced. We were taught that Christ is always first, no matter what. Whether or not you view yourself as a leader, you most certainly are one. People in the professional world know Bethany, and they know the positive impact a Bethany graduate can bring to their place of business. Bethany instills confidence in its students, and that resonates in the professional world as well. So, while Bethany has prepared me in many ways for my profession, it most importantly taught me how to lead and let my actions speak for me; even when I’m not intending for that to happen.
WHAT YOU REMEMBER MOST ABOUT BETHANY • • • I remember the people. I’m sure many other graduates would concur with me. Everyone at Bethany contributed to my story in one way or another. I have made lifelong friends that I never would have met without Bethany. I have remained in contact with many of the professors who genuinely care about my life after Bethany. I wouldn’t have had the same college experience without such and incredible group of people by my side.
In addition to the people, I remember the Speech Team. There are so many memories that I shared with that team. I grew in my self-confidence while learning a great deal about the world. I will tell you time and time again: joining the BLC Speech Team was the best decision I ever made … besides marrying my wife!
ADVICE FOR CURRENT STUDENTS • • • My advice is simple: enjoy Bethany while you are there. Four years come and go in the blink of an eye. Embrace the opportunities that Bethany provides. Make as many friends as you can. Go to as many sports games and theater performances as possible. Soak in each and every chapel service. Join as many clubs as possible (perhaps even the Speech Team?!). Enjoy being a college student in a setting that allows you to focus on your future! And when you leave school after graduation, keep in touch with those you met.