Dr. Jonathan R. Stadler is a Professor in the Psychology department.
- Ph.D., Psychology (neuroscience), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, 2002)
- M.A., Psychology (neuroscience), Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, 1996)
- B.A., Psychology & Biology, Cornell College (Mt. Vernon, IA, 1993)
Academic Interests
- Psychopharmacology (addiction processes)
- Neuroscience/Biological Psychology
- Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Psychology & Popular Culture
- Psychology of Religion
I grew up in Nashville, TN, and West St. Paul, MN. After attending college in Iowa, I attended graduate school in Nashville in psychology (neuroscience). Upon completing my degrees, I taught at Fisk University, a historically black college, for ten years before moving back to Minnesota to teach at Bethany. Thus, I consider myself a Midwestern Southerner. I am married to a wonderful woman from Mississippi whom I met in Nashville, and we have one son and one daughter.Memberships
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- APA Division 2 (the Society for the Teaching of Psychology)
- APA Division 6 (Society for Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology)
- APA Division 28 (Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse)
- APA Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality)
- APA Division 52 (International Psychology)
- Stadler, J.R. (2010) Hyperactivity. In K. Lomotey (Ed.) Encyclopedia of African American Education. Sage Publication.
- Wilson, J.H., Stadler, J.R., Schwartz, B.M., Goff, D.M. (2009). Touching your students: The impact of a handshake on the first day of class. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1),108-117
- Stadler, J.R. (July 28, 2023). What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You! ELS Lutheran Youth Association Convention, Mankato, MN.
- Stadler, J.R. (March 14, 2020). Seven Suggestions for Christian Men: A Multivitamin for the Spirit. Men’s Greasy Breakfast, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Mankato, MN.
- Stadler, J.R. (March 21, 2018). Evolutionary Psychology: Why You Need to Know What It Is. In-Depth Speaker Series, Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MN.
- Stadler, J.R., Edwards, S., & Kruger, A. (August 7, 2017). Uniquely Blessed and Challenged: The Value (and Pitfalls) of Cross-Cultural Outreach, Dialogue, and Understanding. Panel Discussion for the Lutheran College Conference at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, MN.
- Stadler, J.R. (October 14, 2011). Legos and Playlists: Teaching Students in Introductory Psychology about Empathy. Workshop at the 10th Annual Best Practices in Teaching Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Psi Chi (International Psychology Honors Society)
Teaching Philosophy
I believe that the educational environment should be one where the teacher not only imparts wisdom and knowledge to students as part of his or her God-given vocation, but also equips students with the tools to gather knowledge and wisdom themselves in service to their discipleship in Christ and God-given vocation throughout their lives.Jonathan Stadler has recently taught the following courses: