Student walking on sidewalk among trees in fall

Scholarship Giving

Did you know that you could make a very significant impact upon Bethany Lutheran College by gifts to scholarship endowments? It is far easier than you might think, and more Bethany supporters are establishing scholarship endowments all the time.

Scholarships accomplish so many things. Most importantly, they make it possible for deserving young men and women to receive a Bethany education. They also help keep the college strong financially. Additionally, establishing a named scholarship at Bethany is a wonderful way to remember a loved one.

Looking for information on scholarships available at Bethany? Please visit our Scholarships page for more information.

The Importance of Scholarship Endowments

Endowed scholarships are funds contributed by individuals or businesses through regular gifts and special contributions, as well as wills and other planned gifts. These funds are placed in managed accounts and are invested to ensure stable growth. Annually, a portion of the income is used for financial assistance for students at Bethany.

Endowed scholarships are crucial to the future of the college. They eventually will protect the college from variations in expenses for financial aid, and thus will continue to make Bethany affordable.

Many who have contributed to such scholarships have experienced the satisfaction of receiving letters from Bethany students who were only able to attend Bethany because of help from others. Endowed scholarships are crucial to our future.

How You Can Establish a Scholarship Endowment

Over 200 endowed scholarships have been established at Bethany. The size of these scholarships ranges between $20,000 to more than $1 million. When a named endowment fund reaches $20,000 it is listed in the academic catalog and in the commencement program. Some of the largest endowments started out very small.

  • Matching makes scholarship funds grow. Organizations will match your gift or a portion of it. Many companies match gifts to educational institutions as well. In all cases, check with your employer for specifics.
  • Regular gifts to a scholarship fund ensure maximum awards can be given to students in need.

To establish a scholarship fund, all you need to do is to decide how to make the first gift, decide how the grants will be made from the fund (usually to students who have financial need), and sign a form. The Advancement office would be happy to send you a sample scholarship form.

You don’t have to establish a scholarship fund to make an important difference – you can also direct a gift of any size to an existing scholarship.

For Further Information

For further information regarding contributions toward endowed scholarships, please call our Advancement Office at 800-944-3066.