Student designing a logo on the computer

Graphic Design Major

The graphic design major provides opportunities for those looking towards a career in art and design with a broad-based, liberal arts foundation. Beginning with the principle that knowledge is the source of creativity, students are encouraged to not only become capable designers, but also educated adults and lifelong learners. Students will become familiar with the professional practices of the design industry and their place in the larger historical and theoretical context of creative endeavor, leading ultimately to a vocation that is both personally satisfying and a valuable service to others.

Program Learning Outcomes

The graphic design program seeks to produce graduates who are able to demonstrate:

  1. proficiency with an appropriate variety of media and technologies,
  2. familiarity with the ethical, practical, theoretical, and historical underpinnings of their chosen field of study,
  3. the ability to approach visual communication challenges with creativity and insight, producing work that is consistently original and meaningful,
  4. effective and professional written, verbal, and visual communication skills, and
  5. the ability to work effectively with others.

Student Stories

Examples of Student Work

Entry into the Major

Each student is required to formally apply for entry into the graphic design major. This typically takes place in the spring of the sophomore year. At this time it is imperative that all prospective graphic design students have an advisor from the Graphic Design, Studio Art, or Media Arts departments. A major application form may be obtained from your faculty advisor or downloaded from the graphic design section of the college website. In order to gain admittance to, and graduate with, the graphic design major, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in all studio courses and an overall GPA of 2.0.

Junior Review

At the end of the junior year, faculty advisors will examine all student transcripts to ensure adequate progress is being made toward degree completion.


Foundations (10 cr.):
Studio (18 cr.):
Historical Perspective (9 cr.):

Theoretical and Critical Analysis

Internship (3 cr.)

Capstone / Senior Project (4 cr.)

Recommended Electives

To view the most recent course list and requirements for the graphic design major, please consult the Academic Catalog.

Next Steps

Interested in studying at Bethany? Scheduling a campus visit is a great way to see what we have to offer. You can meet professors or sit in on a class too! Contact our admissions office to learn more.