Students walking to chapel on a sunny day

Endorsed Instructor Arrangement

Bethany’s Endorsed Instructor Arrangement allows qualified teachers at Bethany Partner High Schools to teach college courses on-site at their schools. There are several benefits for high schools when they offer BLC courses using Endorsed Instructors including:

  • Students earning Bethany Lutheran College credits through courses taught comfortably in their regular face-to-face classrooms by familiar teachers
  • Credits earned based on assessments spread throughout a course semester (instead of one high-stakes AP test at the end of a course)
  • Support from BLC in the forms of tutoring and writing assistance, course design suggestions, and digital access to the BLC Memorial Library


To become a Bethany Endorsed Instructor, a teacher must:

  1. Be a faculty member or associate of a Bethany Partner High School
  2. Have obtained a master’s degree in the field of the course being taught, or a master’s degree in a different field with 18 graduate credits in the relevant field
  3. Demonstrate a willingness to support the mission of Bethany Lutheran College

Courses Available

Potentially any 100 or 200 level course in Bethany’s Academic Catalog is eligible to be offered for dual credit by an Endorsed Instructor. The Instructor must seek approval from the Bethany department responsible for overseeing the course, working with the department to develop a syllabus demonstrating equivalent outcomes compared to the on-campus version.

Reasons a course might not be accepted include (1) the course has prerequisites that are not available, (2) the materials and equipment at the high school are unsuitable for offering the same experience as the on-campus course (i.e. science lab equipment or materials), or (3) the field of the course is too narrow and the credits unlikely to apply to college programs for students taking the course.

Dual Enrollment

Students taking courses taught by Endorsed Instructors for dual credit must apply and register as Bethany Lutheran College students in addition to registering for the course through their high schools. Students will pay Bethany tuition and will have Bethany transcripts recording the grades they earn in their courses. Students will also enjoy other benefits available to BLC students, including digital access to the BLC Memorial Library, the Ada Stokes Writing Center, and the Academic Resource Center (tutoring services).

Admissions Requirements

Students taking courses with Endorsed Instructors must apply to Bethany Lutheran College, including

  1. sending their high school transcripts to Bethany and;
  2. completing a Distance Learner Contract.

Through the Distance Learner Contract students and their parents affirm their understanding that they are taking a college course and their grades will be permanently recorded on a Bethany transcript, and a school counselor certifies that the student is ready for college coursework. Bethany relies on Partner High Schools to determine the readiness of students taking college courses.


Distance courses from Bethany Lutheran College are normally priced at $380 per credit. However, the cost for students taking a course from an Endorsed Instructor at a Bethany Advantage Partner School is just $40 per credit. Tuition must be paid prior to the first day of class. Bethany Lutheran College credit cannot be awarded retroactively if tuition is not paid by the add/drop date at the beginning of the course


Visit the main dual credit page for answers to common questions about Bethany’s dual credit courses, including courses taught by Endorsed Instructors.

If you have additional questions, please contact Director of Online Learning for more information about Bethany’s Endorsed Instructor Arrangement.