Job Search Links

The Career Development Center maintains its website and resources as a service to Bethany students and alumni, and is not responsible for the content or activities associated with these sites or organizations. In addition, the presence or communication of job/internship announcements on any website linked to the Career Development Center does not indicate an endorsement or recommendation by Bethany or the Career Development Center. The contents listed below are areas we feel some of our students and alumni might be interested in, they are not solely based on specific majors or minors that we have at Bethany. For example, business is a big major and some alumni might go and get their CPA and then come back here to look for Accounting opportunities. 

Students and alumni should take all necessary precautions when applying to, interviewing for, or accepting internships or employment opportunities and are encouraged to check the credentials and integrity of any employer or organization. Applicants should never provide their Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit card/ bank account information, or other private information when communicating with prospective employers or responding to employment opportunities online.

To learn more about protecting yourself online or what to do if you are involved in a scam, learn more here.

If you would like to add a job resource to our page, simply complete this form

Expect 2-3 business days for an approved resource to be posted below under the appropriate categories.

General Job Search Engines:

Table of Contents:

Category Specific Job Search Links: